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Monitoring worldwide changes, internal process review, system and partner evaluation and solution implementation.

ERP and accounting systems

Review, set-up and changes in VAT determination and reporting.

E-invoicing: how can we help?

Recent developments on e-invoicing are increasing the speed and complexity of the invoicing process on a global scale.

This puts pressure on many businesses to find the right approach, guaranteeing business compliance as well as business efficiency.

E-invoicing footprint

E-invoicing, e-reporting and e-audit legislation and guidance is constantly changing. Monitoring daily changes and analyzing the impact on your business is our core responsibility. Our services include:

Internal process review

Only a few countries require an e-invoicing attestation, however an internal invoice process review is helpful in case of audits or to demonstrate a high level of control on your VAT processes. Our services include:

System and partner evaluation

When selecting a new vendor or new solution, it is important to define all determining factors for the e-invoicing journey. It includes the e-invoicing footprint, integration with the accounting and ERP systems and availability of business process documentation.

Solution implementation

Finding the right solution that suits your global e-invoicing footprint is a big first step. A well-documented and tested system and process is key. Once the solution is up and running, a close follow-up of changing requirements is crucial.

ERP and accounting systems: how can we help?

Intens System Review

Full review including: full mapping of your companies' transactions, review of your master data set-up, review of your VAT determination set-up and your country reporting requirements. The deliverable will be a to the point report including recommendations.

Quick System Review

High level review of the current VAT system set-up resulting in a to-the-point report with risks and recommendations. This review will give you a first indication about the quality of your set-up and will highlight the most important shortfalls.

System set-up

Set-up and implementing your VAT condition logic. Via our worldwide network of VAT experts, we can ensure your system complies with the local VAT rules and reporting requirements.

System changes

System changes required as a result of new business transactions, new companies, or new VAT registrations (e.g. activation plants abroad).

Tax authorities shift to control data by requiring aggregate data on a periodical basis. Often such submissions are to be done on a real time basis.

The increasing pressure on companies’ tax compliance requires perfect system management: going from master data to system setup and system output.

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