Team / Steven Didden
Steven Didden

Steven Didden

My first VAT advice

In 1999. A US-based company asked us about the pan-EU VAT and Intrastat aspects of setting up a Belgian hub for their B2B and B2C customers in the EU.


I started my career at Arthur Andersen in 1999 and worked for many years as a VAT director at Deloitte. In 2016, I joined Vatsquare where I continue to focus on VAT and Intrastat compliance (Belgium and EU) for businesses ranging from SMEs to multinational corporations. 

VAT specializations

International trade, Belgian and pan-EU VAT and Intrastat compliance, logistics sector.

The reason why I enjoy working at VATsquare

Vatsquare’s conscious choice for a hands-on, practical approach instead of long theoretical memos that require a summary to be somewhat understandable.